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Innocent Witches for APK

Category: APK Games
6 186
Production year: 2018
Last modification: 15/02/2021
Language of the game: English / Russian
Version: 0.6.5F
System requirements: Android; RAM: 4 GB;
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Have you ever heard of witches? Maybe even seen one? Or maybe touched one? You could say all that about this guy - it's hard to find someone who excels at all that much more! At least that's what they say about his past. Well, it's up to you to go back in time and discover the secrets it harbors. Secrets from an even deeper past. Secrets that are so important to the future of the entire magical world.

Innocent Witches is a loose, parodic rendition of the world created by the books about the boy who survived. The story begins where the books left off. But much has been changed. According to the cardinal rule of canon--"the more inexplicable, the more magical"--the world has been adapted to a friendlier, more prosperous, and more lustful society. Many fates, characters, and events have been rewritten. All so that the player could enjoy an alternate reality and get to know the old characters in a new way.