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Sabrina The Hungry Witch

Category: Hentai Games
Production year: 2023-12-28
Language of the game: English
Version: 0.2.2
System requirements: OS: Win / HDD: 2 GB
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The game is about a hungry bunny girl who is more than willing to gurgle every cute girl she stumbles upon. But she has to be carefull, there's monsters to fight and princesses to save and if she doesn't pay attention it could be her who's finding herself in somebody's tummy!
A little to the story. The game is about a bunny girl named Sabrina who really wants to be a pred. So she and her
best friend Mindy who are both students at the witch academy attempt to brew a forbidden potion.
A potion that turns "normal" people into preadators! But what they don't know is that the potion has a decent chance to turn
the consumer into something totally different!
Will they achieve their goal? Will the potion work as intended? Play and find out!​
