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Afterlife Harem

Category: Hentai Games
Production year: 2024-04-25
Language of the game: English
Version: 0.4.2
System requirements: OS: Win / HDD: 13 GB
Aviable to
After you die, someone mysterious appears in front of you,
proposing you a rather strange deal: "Would you like to become a guide to the afterlife?".
Living again and having a little more time sounds good but this deal comes with a condition:
"You will forget everything about your past life, no one will remember you, it will be as if you never existed".

By accepting this deal you are reborn and start a new life in a new house living with a group of people (they are all girls) similar to you.
Your job as a guide to the after life is very simple: You guide stray souls to the afterlife.
The only problem is that most of the stray souls have become aggresive and unreasonable,
so you will have to convince them to leave the world of the living.

Upcoming Features:
  • Turn based combat: Since you are weak and have 0 combat abilities you become the team strategist, leading your team to victory.
  • Negotiation/conversation system: If you are not willing to fight a soul, you can just talk to it and try to guide it peacefully to the afterlife.
  • Quest System: In order to progres the story you must complete a series of quests/missions. This quests will reward you with some usefull items to help you in your adventure.
  • Relationships: Basically 90% of the girls in the city are a love interest for you, not to mention your teammates. As you improve your relationship with your teammates they will be able to remember more about their past life, unlocking new events and new skills.
    Cell phone:
  • Invite girls on a date by sending them a message from your cell phone.
  • Change the background music (not 100% sure).
  • Check your stats.
  • Receive messages from girls inviting you on a date.
