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Category: Hentai Games
Production year: 2024-05-13
Language of the game: English, Chinese, Japanese
Version: 1.02
System requirements: OS: Win / HDD: 600 MB
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In the year 20XX, a mutant virus similar to rabies emerged, transforming a certain city into hell. Both people and animals in the city were infected and attacked others indiscriminately. While the military blockaded roads to prevent the spread of the infection, survivors scattered around the city's outskirts awaited rescue.

  • Zombie Survival Tower Defense SLG
  • It's a game where you build a defensive line and survive attacks from mutants.
  • Mutants gruesomely assault and kill captured women.
  • If the fence is breached and the enemies infiltrate, it's game over.
  • Each of the four heroines has unique traits and different weapons available.
  • Survival is possible by effectively utilizing the heroines' abilities and traps.
  • Even if you fail, you can enhance your weapons and retry multiple times, making this game accessible even for players who find it challenging.

Game Teaser