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Hentai and porn games for download | HentaiHubs.com»Hentai Games»Mary’s Undercover Investigation of the Mansion of an Unscrupulous Politician

Mary’s Undercover Investigation of the Mansion of an Unscrupulous Politician

Category: Hentai Games
Original title: メアリの悪徳政治家お屋敷潜入捜査
Production year: 2022-07-16
Language of the game: English (GPT-4)
Version: 1.0
System requirements: OS: Win / HDD: 700 MB
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A puzzle-solving RPG with animations and voiceovers!
Mary, an exposé YouTuber known for revealing scandals, faces stalled growth without recent big scoops. She receives an email from politician Kato, previously exposed by her for human trafficking, claiming he was falsely accused and inviting her to clear his name on her channel. Sensing a chance for a major story, Mary agrees and plans an undercover investigation. Unbeknownst to her, Kato intends to silence her to protect his political career. The outcome hinges on whether Mary can expose the truth or if she'll fall into Kato's trap.​