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Ace Urine Appraiser

Category: Hentai Games
Production year: 2024-06-17
Language of the game: English, Chinese
Version: 2.0
System requirements: OS: Win / HDD: 800 MB
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Continuation of the story of the "Regarding relegated to blossom girl's toilet", set in a fantasy world. The story follows the male protagonist as he helps solve the problem of river pollution in the village under the commission of a priestess. To brainstorm solutions, you decide to start from the source of the problem - a chamber pot brimming with excrement.
However, despite being an important task entrusted by the priestess, you pick up the chamber pot filled with excrement in front of you - the excrement from female residents, each with its own unique flavor, akin to various aged wines displayed on a wine rack. You savor them one by one, with endless aftertastes, getting drunk on the flavors, even willing to descend into public toilet and cesspit to satisfy your "Urine Addiction".​
