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Sex Cross Sphere

Category: Hentai Games
4 504
Original title: Secrossphere / セクロスフィア
Production year: 2016
Last modification: 2016/04/28
Language of the game: English / Japanese
System requirements: CPU Intel Core i3; RAM 3GB; HDD 3GB; VRAM 1GB
Aviable to
Boy Nakano SakuraTsukasa have the complex to look like a girl.
One day, he called his sister-MamoruRin is the student council president, declared in front of the officer who.
"Me doing sex with this guy."
Trouble with quirky student council of girls Oki day-to-day of the curtain is open ....
Really, I wonder SakuraTsukasa can be a good man?

Update 03/11/2014:
- Added official VR add-ons for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive (as requested by mikocon_website);
- Added a file to fix the game information in the Windows registry. Without this VR additions can not work (you need to run file "Registry_Fixer.bat" from the current user, to make in the registry path to the game. As a path, will be specified in the folder in which the file "Registry_Fixer.bat");
- Now the game without the installer, as resources to create an installer I have not saved.

Installed additions: sec_02_plus, sec_02_plus02, sec_02_plus03, sec_9p, sec_kounyuu



Mods: DeMosaic ancensor - A simple ancensor that partially removes the genital mosaic
Saving: 100% Passage