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Vault Repopulation

Category: Hentai Games
3 084
Production year: 2017
Language of the game: ENG
System requirements: HDD 200MB
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A parody game for the Fallout universe.
As it becomes clear from the title of this project, your main goal will be to populate the shelter and find new friends in the outside world.
What is in this game?
- Lots of characters with adult content
- Locations: Slave City, Molokopolis, Market Square, Sisterhood Sanctuary and most of them have their own locations.
- The end of the game depends on the actions that you are doing
- Lots of missions
- Cheat menu

Platform: PC / Windows, MacOS, Android
Type of publication: Original (licensed)
Tabletka: Not required
Version: 2.0
Language of the game (story): English
Language: English
Language of voice: No voice acting