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Tiny Misadventures

Category: Hentai Games
8 141
Production year: 2019
Last modification: 2021/01/30
Language of the game: English
Version: 0.3
System requirements: OS Windows; HDD 750MB
Aviable to
TM is a game similar in spirit to Shrinking fun and Shrinking EXP. The girls will catch you if you get too close to them, and they will put you in their body, where they try to keep you imprisoned, and you have to fight to escape from them!
But the game has many unique characteristics that make it very different from its predecessors. The first thing to note is that in this game you can't move from one building to another, the streets are too dangerous for such a tiny man, you need to use the girls to move around! And if you think you're stuck and you have no other way out, look around. Each map in this game has little hiding places where you can rest and pass the time at your pleasure!

Extras: At the moment gameplay with all the dialogue, scenes and locations for about 10-12 hours of leisurely study.

