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Hentai and porn games for download | HentaiHubs.com»Hentai Games»DRAGON PLANET -Stoic Knightess & Homesick Mage- Complete Edition

DRAGON PLANET -Stoic Knightess & Homesick Mage- Complete Edition

Category: Hentai Games
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Original title: DRAGON PLANET~堕淫に抗う女騎士と望郷の魔法少女~
Production year: 2016
Last modification: 2016/08/25
Language of the game: Japanese
Version: 1.00
System requirements: CPU Intel Pentium4 2.0GHz; RAM 512MB; HDD 587MB
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Sophie was a novice knight.

One day a goddess came to Sophie in a dream.
Would she accept the goddess's power?
She was too naive to know that such a gift could be a curse.

As if destiny had been waiting, Sophie was immediately called upon
to save the world, by a little spellcaster named Honoka.

Both utterly inexperienced, especially about "that",
the girls embarked on a journey like nothing they had ever dreamed.


Beware! Wolf Engine!