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Koikatsu Party

Category: Hentai Games
3 338
Production year: 2019
Last modification: 2019/06/10
Language of the game: English
Version: 1.0
System requirements: CPU: Intel Core i3 4000; RAM: 4GB; DirectX 11; VRAM: 1GB; HDD: 20GB
Aviable to
Our hero is a guy who, because his father has moved abroad, decides to start an independent life and moves to a new place near his aunt's house.
Soon it turns out that his aunt has taken care of the school where our hero will continue his education in his new place. And everything seems fine...
But the only thing this school is attended by only girls, and besides, the director of this school, none other than our favorite aunt...
Maybe it's just an aunt's bad joke. Or maybe it's a way, at the expense of our hero, she wants to accustom the young girls to male society?
It seems that we will soon find out, and meanwhile the hero has to study in very difficult conditions... But what kind of learning can there be? When all around, everywhere you look, there are pretty and pretty girls, showing no small interest in the only guy in their community...
Well, the hero and heroines of "Department of Koikatsu" already want to meet... Let's not keep them waiting!

Additional information: Differences from the distributions of this, this and this
official steam version of Koikatu! / コイカツ!fully in English. Does not include paid dlc.