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Young Wife Souffle

Category: Hentai Games
2 989
Original title: 若妻スフレ
Production year: 2017
Last modification: 2017/12/16
Language of the game: Japanese
Version: 1.02
System requirements: CPU Pentium®4 2.0GHz; RAM 512MB; HDD 250MB; DirectX 9.0; RPG Tkool VX Ace RTP
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"Will" and "Souffle" are childhood friends.
They promised to marry when they were still children
and have been going steady for a long looong time.

They married and were living a happy life but...
one day, Will was assailed by a monster on his
way to the royal capitol and cursed...

In order to save her beloved husband from the curse,
Souffle hardens her resolve and heads off on a journey.
But what perils await Souffle in the royal capitol...?
