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Majutsu shito 6 nin no narazumono

Category: Hentai Games
1 267
Original title: 魔術師と6人のならず者
Production year: 2013
Last modification: 2015/05/15
Language of the game: Japanese
Version: 15.05.15
System requirements: CPU Intel Pentium 2.0GHz; RAM 512MB; HDD 100MB; RPG Tkool VX RTP
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Long ago, age ...... that was fighting world is divided into darkness and light.
In the midst of the devil army of villainy suite, just wanting to insult a woman
The rogue our six people holding a heart small scale of "evil", had continued to Kuwasa the cold rice.

Mission given out of charity from the devil in such a case,
It was a punitive expedition of the woman magician who settled in certain labyrinth.

The enemy six people not in the head only official such insult if you win the woman =,
Go to feed and to explore the maze and show an unprecedented motivation ... but.

Do they be able to carry out the insult demanded by their own to win really?
And, the purpose of the woman magician We?
