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Hentai and porn games for download | HentaiHubs.com»Hentai Games»S.C.A ~Sexually Customized Android in This Renewing World~

S.C.A ~Sexually Customized Android in This Renewing World~

Category: Hentai Games
1 111
Production year: 2020
Last modification: 2021/05/14
Language of the game: English
Version: 1.2
System requirements: HDD: 1GB
Aviable to
In the year 20XX...

Due to the mass-scale war happened decades ago, the world has been devastated.

A much less number of humans barely survived, but they have manage
to live in a unity without getting pessimistic about the future.

In such a situation, a boy familiar with anything mechanical Ask struggles to live on.
Utilizing his knowledge, he passes his time assisting the reconstruction of the human
society by collecting abandoned mechanical parts and assembling them into helpful machines.

One day, while Ask is digging up the devastated town in search of parts,
he finds a half-broken female android is lying under debris.

That turns out to be a rare type of android which was owned only by very limited people.
Ask is strongly attracted by its rarity and well-organized modeling, so he decided to
take it into his house and repair it... With a dirty motive to make it along with his preference.
