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Category: Hentai Games
Production year: 2015
Last modification: 2015/11/24
Language of the game: Japanese
Version: 1.4
System requirements: CPU Pentium4 1.5GHz; RAM 256MB; HDD 500MB; DirectX 9.0b; RPG Tkool VX XP RTP
Aviable to
If you think something or the Goofy sound was heard, and pants in front of the eye.
Girl beyond the mountain hand in Tsurugi to the waist.
...... But it is not devoted even one shot to a weak likely monster-looking.
as it Mikane was you "dare to lend a little", move ...... her ...?
Action RPG to operate the Don stinking girl to participate in the ancient ruins search Corps!
Brackets to help may be, even freedom to be a naughty thing!
Let's to lead her in your playing style!
