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Ark of Artemis

Category: Hentai Games
1 835
Original title: 楽園のアルテミス
Production year: 2020
Last modification: 2020/12/28
Language of the game: English
Version: 1.1
System requirements: OS: Windows 7 | CPU:Core i5-4590 | Memory: 8GB | HDD: 2Gb| Video: Supports OpenGL
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Half a year after the world was destroyed by an angel-the wizard Claudia received a letter and headed for the demon continent.
There, he encountered an angel and repelled him with the power of a sacred treasure, but when he discovered an ice-pickled beast on a certain mission, he was involved in a great fate.
In the middle of the story, Claudia, who has been engraved with a womb tattoo, decides to play with the curse ... Will she keep her ego until the end and fight the angel?
Or do you entrust your heart to pleasure?
It all depends on Claudia's actions.