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Man Who Fell for a Knightess Whore Has His Cuckoldry Fetish Deepen

Category: Hentai Games
1 316
Original title: 春を売る騎士に恋をした青年は、性癖をこじらせる
Production year: 2019
Last modification: 2019/12/28
Language of the game: Japanese
Version: 1.0
System requirements:
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The knightess he fell in love with sells her body to raise capital for the kingdom's military.
He wants her to stop at first, but ends up enjoying watching her plow other men...

The first half of the game is an RPG where you watch the knightess
Sera try to assemble troops and capital for the army using her body.
The second part is adventure game style, and revolves around her and
her perverted husband, who wants to watch her getting fucked by other men.