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Nasty princess

Category: Hentai Games
1 954
Original title: 家出王女 ~淫乱な王女はちょろい~
Production year: 2014
Last modification: 2014/09/10
Language of the game: Japanese
Version: 1.03
System requirements: OS: HDD ~ 288Mb
Aviable to
It was a mediocre kingdom in its own way in peace in its own way it.
However, collisions with the devil army that appeared out of nowhere is one after another recently.
So the king is allowed to marry a descendant of the venerable hero is a national hero a daughter of their own
To orchestrate and attempt to raise the morale of the people.
Daughter is wonderful without impeccable Furimaki the charm a lucid pulchritude, brain.
Such a daughter to marry a hero is a hero of the people. ...... Was a marriage that everyone would bless
But, beloved daughter who thought charm is the good appearance of the provisional. In shadow, it was! Nympho daughter soldiers also have a relationship
By their own is used for politics of the father, the daughter explosion dissatisfaction that has accumulated to accumulate until now.
...... You would go out from the castle.
However, or are allowed to be and the various H put on a man in gold, princess naive ... or themselves
What princess Aaliyah greedy to H will be gold!?