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Kubel no Kubikase-byou

Category: Hentai Games
1 575
Original title: クベルの首枷病
Production year: 2019
Last modification: 2019/06/15
Language of the game: Japanese
Version: 1.00
System requirements: OS: CPU 2.0GHz ; RAM 512MB ; HDD 400MB ; RPG Tkool VX Ace RTP
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The commercial town of Caldesa, located in a mountainous area southwest of the capital city Aselia.
Due to a large area earthquake that struck the continent a month ago, it occurred as it swallowed the city
Mysterious ruins are found in "Krebas".

Underground cracks that divide the city north and south will be called "Caldesta Crevass"
As many adventurers begin to gather for the treasure of the ruins,
The person who had "Kubel's neck disease" which was feared to be "death disease" in the past
The notification that it was found will reach the Royal City Sage Guild.

In every place where Kubel's neck disease occurs
The art of contraindication with power enough to destroy the country was written according to how to use
"Prohibition" is supposed to be discovered, and the Royal City Magician Guild is
Bringing the young magician Majetano to the Cardesta for recovery and sealing ...