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Aristella's Alchemy Studio
Category: Hentai Games
1 847
Original title: アリステラの錬金工房
Production year: 2022
Last modification: 2022/02/17
Language of the game: Japanese
Version: 1.0
System requirements: ОS: Win 7/8.1/10 | CPU: 2x@2.4 GHz | RAM: 4 GB | DirectX:9.0 | HDD: 0.5 GB
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★ Story [RPG of an alchemist who is taken down by the devil]
Alistella's Alchemy Studio [MoguHachi]
Alchemist Aristella.
She was the only magical hero in a different world.
She was praised as her hope to defeat the demons and the demons that created them.
She has one purpose for her.
It's about returning to her real world where she lived.
Her last memory of her in the real world was that she sheltered her mother from the violence of her father and lost her consciousness.
To reunite with her dear mother and her lover
She finds a way to defeat the devil and return to her original world.
Alistella's Alchemy Studio [MoguHachi]
Alchemist Aristella.
She was the only magical hero in a different world.
She was praised as her hope to defeat the demons and the demons that created them.
She has one purpose for her.
It's about returning to her real world where she lived.
Her last memory of her in the real world was that she sheltered her mother from the violence of her father and lost her consciousness.
To reunite with her dear mother and her lover
She finds a way to defeat the devil and return to her original world.
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