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Thug Hero Party

Category: Hentai Games
1 961
Original title: 外道勇者一行
Production year: 2015
Last modification: 2016/03/11
Language of the game: English
Version: 2.00
System requirements: OS: CPU 2.0GHz ; RAM 512MB ; HDD 400MB ; RPG Tkool VX Ace RTP
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"Ryuujin" are the chosen few by a deity called "Ryuu".
For the world and its people, Ryuujin have long battled a wicked lord.

On a smaller scale, there is an unremarkable village
in which Imos the Powerless lives peacefully.
He, having a slight inferiority complex, passes the time
with his little sister Tori, a playmate named Lotia (who is now a Ryuujin),
his gentle scholar Crimina, and a tomboyish princess named Aina.

The decision is made to vanquish the wicked lord once and for all.
It's the top priority of all Ryuujin henceforth, including Lotia.
Lotia reluctantly consents to sex with the hero of her party, Variges,
because people from her village are hostages.
Imos can only stand and watch this injustice take place......