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Jerez's Arena II

Category: Hentai Games
1 318
Production year: 2022
Last modification: 2022/04/29
Language of the game: English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Chinese
System requirements: OS: 64-Bit; Core i3 64-Bit CPU; 2 GB RAM; HDD 2 GB; HD Graphics GPU; 720x400
Aviable to
On a corner of the Capital city, the daughter of the Kingdom's Regent, one of the Eight Greatest Merits Founders
Echnar Family, Sigrid, secretly became a gladiator behind the back of her family. On the other side, LoWen, a spy from the enemy
country, Cyounichi, disguises himself as a slave trader and sneaks into Jerez's Arena with an Oni assassin, Mikado Koharu. The story
of these three, is going to begin in the Jerez's Arena.
