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Novice Magician Lilia Can't Pass her Final Exam!

Category: Hentai Games
1 198
Original title: 見習い魔法使いリリアは最終試練がクリアできない!
Production year: 2021
Last modification: 2021/09/15
Language of the game: English
Version: 1.0
System requirements: OS: Windows 10 x64 / CPU: i5 / RAM: 8GB / VRAM: 2GB / HDD: 3GB
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The Kingdom of Ero has been investing in military might and magic to protect the country. Among it's new recruits is Lilia, a novice magician who is finally taking on her final exam.
The job: To take back an orb that's been stolen by goblins... Can she retrieve it safely, and become a fully-fledged magician?

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