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Anti-Demon Stormedge Sakuya

Category: Hentai Games
1 193
Original title: 封魔剣風伝サクヤ
Production year: 2017
Last modification: 2017/11/26
Language of the game: Japanese
System requirements: OS: CPU Pentium®4 2.0GHz ; RAM 512MB ;DirectX 9.0c; HDD 350MB ; RPG Tkool VX Ace RTP
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The heroine Sakuya is presumed to be the head of Himekami Family,
a famous bloodline of Anti-Demon agents. A sign of incoming demonic
force is swirling around this Jinnou city, where fighters in Himekami family
has protected civilians generation by generation.
Will Sakuya able to defend Jinnou city from demons' vicious scheme!?
