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Pokémon 'H' Version

Category: Hentai Games
4 466
Production year: 2022
Language of the game: English
Version: 0.276A
System requirements: OS: Win / HDD: 400Mb
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Old school Pokemon game with a perverted twist! You play as Caleb, a senior Field Researcher and Pokemon Trainer as you traverse the Sinova Region to train a new lab-created Pokemon while uncovering the conspiracy of Team Creation; a cult of deviants hell-bent on restarting the life cycle of all living things. Features a narrative-based Romance system (akin to a dating sim) for your Rival and fellow field Researcher, and a pet system that allows you to raise certain Waifumons (for naughty reasons), and many, many quests and events!

P. S. This game is meant to be TOUGH. So use items, strategize, and play smart. Grind if you need to. If you’re a filthy casual, this game is not meant for you.
