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House of Pandemonium: Unity Edition

Category: Hentai Games
Production year: 2022
Language of the game: English
Version: 1.0
System requirements: OS: Win / HDD: 7 GB
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A group of girls wake up in a mysterious mansion. The mansion is full of monstergirls seeking to transform them.
Will they escape or will they fall prey to the House of Pandemonium?

The game is a sandbox/arcade game revolving mostly around transformation into and by monster girls. A set of human characters try fighting back long enough to escape through one of several win conditions. When a human is captured (this includes you!) or the player willfully succumbs to their favorite monster, they are converted to the side of the monsters and will try to introduce their once-fellow humans to the wonders of being a monstergirl. The game ends when the humans escape, or all of then have been converted...

Though there is very little direct sex, a lot of forms and transformations are certainly sexy. All of the different monster types have a different gimmick and gameplay carries the fantastic amount of TF and corruption content well.
