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Succubus Academia

Category: Hentai Games
1 522
Production year: 2021
Language of the game: English
Version: 1.1.4
System requirements: OS: Windows® 7 | CPU: Intel Core2 Duo | RAM: 4 GB | DirectX: 9.0 | HDD: 2.9 Gb
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With the arrival of seductive succubi, the academy is transformed into another world.
Unable to fight the sex demons, people can only "satisfy" them to make them go away faster.
However, to satisfy a succubus, one must cum... to death.
And so you were chosen as the victim to restore peace to the school.
By satisfying these lustful demons...

In this game, all battles end in sex, and all battles end in defeat.
Your goal in battle is to satisfy the succubi by giving them your sperm.
Special actions such as begging, resisting and submitting can also give them pleasure.
After battling the bosses, the protagonist's energy runs out and he dies;
His powers pass to the next protagonist.
The goal is to satisfy 5 succubi before all possible protagonists die.

The academy becomes like a dream, with pixies, harpies and other fantastical monsters roaming about.
These are otherworldly succubi, but not the ones that take your life.
In fact, you can get useful items and money from them to charge (?) your main character.

The game features over 30 fully animated boss battle situations!

From the creators of Succubus Quest. Succubus Academia is an allegory for the ultimate destiny from which no man can escape. Death. And death is succubus.
In Hard mode, the game can be called the Dark Souls of the TRPG world