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Spy Mission ~She's a Baron's Maid~

Category: Hentai Games
1 447
Production year: 2022
Language of the game: Japanese
Version: 1.03
System requirements: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 OS; Intel Core2 Duo CPU; GPU with DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 support; RAM 2 GB; HDD 3 Gb; DirectX 9
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The hero and his girlfriend Azami, both experienced agents, are given the mission to infiltrate a mansion as servants (a butler and a maid) and retrieve hidden clues.
The owner of the mansion is Baron Orlando, who is known as a lustful man and is the subject of endless dark rumors. The heroine is immediately wooed to the baron and declared to be
his "favorite" because of her beauty. Helping his beloved girl Azami, whom the baron summons at night, he interacts with ten different maids and other unusual visitors to find clues.
Visitors to find clues. Can the hero successfully obtain evidence of the baron's misdeeds and return home with the heroine?