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Category: Hentai Games
1 385
Production year: 2023
Language of the game: Japanese
Version: 1.6
System requirements: OS: Win 7/8.1/10 | CPU: 2x@2.4 GHz | RAM: 4 GB | DirectX:9.0 | HDD: 1.5 GB
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AlterGuns is a four-woman rock band led by vocalist and bassist Minato Neon.
Their stoic attitude, which only pushes forward with their music activities, is popular, and although they are up-and-coming, they have steadily distinguished themselves.
But... the sounds seemed to be smooth sailing, but she had a "certain problem".
She's stoic and lonely because of her...unlike herself, she feels inferior to her friends who are multi-talented.

Meanwhile, a big job of appearing in a movie suddenly comes to the individual.
Normally, she would decline the job because she was in the wrong field, but her friends encouraged her to accept the job.
