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The Big Thaw

Category: Porn Games
Production year: 2024-05-02
Language of the game: English
Version: Beta 30
System requirements: OS: Win / HDD: 1.2 GB
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The basic story is that Fry needs to get thawed out so Leela can assign his fate. However there's a world wide crisis at hand and Fry was defrosted early. He will not only needs to get de-iced he will need to prove his worth as a breeding stud to save the human race. The story evolves in 2 phases first defrosting. Then he needs to demonstrate his sexual skills to convince Leela his skills can pay the bills. This game is about 15% finished. We just got fry thawed out yet. He still needs to get his sex monitoring chip and his package upgraded so he can impress Leela.​

