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Skyrim The Seventh Element (7base Bombshell)
Category: Porn Games
3 112
Production year: 2016
Language of the game: ENG
System requirements: OS: Windows 7 64bit / 32bit CPU: AMD Athlon (tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ 2.60GHz RAM: 6.00Gb VRAM: Nvidia GeForce 430 GT 1.0Gb HDD: 40 GB in the installed form, to unpack - enough 20 GB
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Description: This assembly is a collection of mods of the category 18+ for Skyrim (may I forgive connoisseurs Laura Amen). Creating it, I was guided by the most lust ... ghm, aesthetic motives.
And now seriously.
I was just tired of Lorry Skyrim, I wanted something different, to breathe new life into this game. And considering that almost everyone forgot about it, with the release of a new version (so to speak revoka). The assembly has collected all the things that should not be in Skyrim ... or should it? To judge only you who will play it.
The assembly is aimed at players from 18 years and more, because there, well, sooo much sex ... ghm ... aesthetic scenes, and well, just a sea of blood. For male characters, I paid the least amount of time during assembly, because I prefer hot elves, or severe nordic women. Therefore, the body chose for them is not simple, and 7 Base Bombshell (well, just the most aesthetic, you'll see on the screenshots).
The assembly passed a series of tests, during which there was a heated discussion about the proper form of this collection of mods, as well as a number of shortcomings:
1) Animations did not work correctly
2) There was instability in the transition from the location to the location (especially in the case of densely populated areas-the city and the suburbs)
3) Low complexity of the game
4) And most importantly, the lack of sexuality of armor! (Well, what kind of developer is this, UZAZ! Fork it !!!!!)
As a result, adjustments were made to stabilize the game and increase the sexuality of the costumes.
Integrated survival system FROSTFALL, as well as to simplify your stay in the harsh climate of Skyrim - CAMPFIRE.
Buy mega warm underpants and heated skyrim, to conquer glaciers .... although ..... does not help
From innovations:
Skin Textures: Demoniac 1.12
Armor Restorer: 7Base Bombshell Sexy Armor
Added a lot of additional armor for the body 7 Base Bombshell
Integrated patch USLEEP
Updated and added quests:
AngrimApprentice_v2_11 - Do not be offended by a perverted sorcerer
SexLab Solutions 5.0.5
Slaverun Reloaded (10.Sep 2016) 1.02
Devious Devices Assets is adapted to play with the body 7 Base
Prison Overhaul V033_fix
Are you tired of starting a "zek" going to the block? Does it bore you? Then this mod is for you
Alternate Start - Live Another Life-9557-3-1-5a -Start another life! All the roads and doors are open for you!
Do not you have one dragon? Few 2 dragons? Are they weak and easy to die? Then this mod is for you !!
For fans to help more dragons: Dragon Combat Overhaul - mod translated, configured in the Mods Settings menu is already in the game! Set up the complexity and the number of dragons, wet them to the right and left. In general, enjoy Dovakiny!
Are you bored in the Dwemer ruins? Are you a pro? Know the assembly of the Estrus + Estrus Chaurus mod. Now no one envies you if you go to the Dwemer ruins and meet the corus, your character will experience all the humiliation that the ancient ancestors of the Falmer have experienced! You will find out why they hated the Dwemer.
Rumors of succubus appeared in Skyrim and are not groundless! Confirm it by installing Mod-pack PSQ- and play for a real sexy succubus! Everything is set up from the effects to the body (the idiot's dream is realized-the transgender succubus- "Oh, she has Chchchenlen ... Yes, what kind of member !? The horse phalos !!!"
PSQ PlayerSuccubusQuest 2.17 rus + finished succubus textures
Demonica 2.1.1 modpack
SFLPregnancy 2.0.6 - pregnancy, childbirth - supports up to 2 children (only if the character is married or married)
Optional quests should be placed at your own risk. reduce the stability of the game!
Demonics removed from the basic composition of the assembly, so proposed by users who participated in the development, by a majority of votes.
Assembly changed the external appearance cardinally.
And yes I nakosyachil with dates
Extras. Information: The required version of the game Skyrim for the collection - Skyrim Legendary Edition v Repack by Fenixx + 3 DLC, the compilation was compiled on this version of the game, so if you do not want problems, put only on it.
Before installing the assembly you need to download and install the game Skyrim The Elder Scrolls 5.Skyrim.Legendary Edition.v + 3 DLC. (1C-SoftKlab.) (2013) .Repack or Fenix
Do not take it lightly! The version should only be specified, otherwise the assembly will not work!
After installing the game, launch the Skyrim game Launcher from the desktop, go to the settings menu and give the launcher the opportunity to determine the capabilities of your computer automatically. Then if you are not sure about the capabilities of your computer, I want to offer you such settings:
The quality of the graphics is set to High
Smoothing on 2x
Anisotropic filtering on 4x
In the Advanced settings, leave the Water -Reflect Land off the rest.
Start the game and check whether all the functions of the game menu work.
From now on, you can make a backup of the Data folder so that if you make a mistake, do not reinstall the game.
1 Download the archive with the assembly (I decided to check the working capacity of the archive)
2 Unpack the archive using 7zipa in a folder (separate not with the game)
3 Download Skyrim in the repack from Phoenix with 3 DLS, installed and launched the game launcher (otherwise there will be an error and the game will not start until the computer is restarted)
4 Download Nexus Mod Manager (in the future I will use NMM, for the sake of brevity writing), install (not separately in the game folder, the most important is that there is a new version)
5 Copy the contents of the assembly to the folder with the game (with the replacement of files)
6 Start the NMM, wait for the manager to find the game I need, tick off it and stop the search for games, and then agree to start the manager
7 In the NMM window, check "all!" fashion, then in the tools (they are the same TOOLs, there is still a tool icon) NMM dig and find the option - Automatic Plugin Sorting (it is the same automatic sorting of mods) run ----- voila fashion sorted
Sorting mods should be performed using LOOT (preferably) or NMM
Re-check whether all the modes are connected (NMM has the ability to disable the non-favors it's mods)
9 Started the BodySlider - I have it here: E: \ games \ The Elder Scrolls 5.Skyrim.Legendary Edition.v + 3 DLC \ Data \ CalienteTools \ BodySlide
created the body CBBE (the general body format of the ZHG in Skyrim) TBBP (this extension indicates that the body is with a sisko-, zhopo-, belly-shaking) and adjusted it to itself (I like tits of the 4th size and girls with hips, but not droish) clicked on the "Build" button - the body for the ZHGG created
The 9th item can be skipped, or reused if you do not like the body of the LHS. But after its implementation, ALWAYS update the FNIS
10 Connect the animation:
Run FNIS (located here: E: \ games \ The Elder Scrolls 5.Skyrim.Legendary Edition.v + 3 DLC \ Data \ tools \ GenerateFNIS_for_Users)
mark a tick on the "fix hand" and nothing more! agree - wait for completion - at the end of the program will give more than 2300 animations from different mods and 1-oh mistake (do not worry this is the norm)
11 Start the game
12 Running the game through the skse_loader startup file, it can be run from the Nexus Mod Maneger or WryBash or BOSS.
13 start a new game
- watch the movie: "cool eat boys ... ETTYN WHERE the dragon? ... Who brought this nonsense to us?"
- create a character (preferably a female GG pile of mods only for the ZHG, but you can also play for men: for example, in the game there is a mod Paradise Valley where there is a small haremchik + Quest for the corruption of the beautiful Lydia)
There may be a bug with the loss of control over the player, do not despair and do not freak out, but open Rutraker and read:
We press "~" - it's the console and we write: "epc" - it's "eneble player control", and we go to the goal if the problem repeats, we type the command in the console again
- we rescue or Ralofa or imperial (I for Nords)
- go to Riverwood, get the quest "WTF where did the fuck dragon" then when the dialogs are over and the world of Skyrim at your feet - the second part of our farce begins, we set up the fashion in the Mod menu game and look at how
- tuning mods in the game:
The first thing to do is find the SexLab menu in the Mod and press the "Set" button in it, then exit the menu and stay in the game for 50 to 15 seconds to wait for the activation of the mod (there are a lot of scripts too, so the more you wait the better they will work)
2-nd: we customize SexLab to taste, but neatly (for me for example, the only thing that changed it: the growth of actors and connected animal animations left the menu waited for the activation of "animals" came in and connected them to the combination on the floor (when activating animals get out of the menu mandatory, because the menu mode will not be available for a while)
3rd: Connect the animation directly to the game:
Working with ZazAnimation Pack - we find in the game in the fashion menu Zaz animation and click on the registration of animations (in this option there is a list of connected animations see that opposite all stood yes, if you do not need to press the registration again) also exit the fashion menu in the game and wait ;
Working with Non-SexLab Animation Pack - we find in the game in the mod menu this section and press the registration, we wait without leaving and
And now seriously.
I was just tired of Lorry Skyrim, I wanted something different, to breathe new life into this game. And considering that almost everyone forgot about it, with the release of a new version (so to speak revoka). The assembly has collected all the things that should not be in Skyrim ... or should it? To judge only you who will play it.
The assembly is aimed at players from 18 years and more, because there, well, sooo much sex ... ghm ... aesthetic scenes, and well, just a sea of blood. For male characters, I paid the least amount of time during assembly, because I prefer hot elves, or severe nordic women. Therefore, the body chose for them is not simple, and 7 Base Bombshell (well, just the most aesthetic, you'll see on the screenshots).
The assembly passed a series of tests, during which there was a heated discussion about the proper form of this collection of mods, as well as a number of shortcomings:
1) Animations did not work correctly
2) There was instability in the transition from the location to the location (especially in the case of densely populated areas-the city and the suburbs)
3) Low complexity of the game
4) And most importantly, the lack of sexuality of armor! (Well, what kind of developer is this, UZAZ! Fork it !!!!!)
As a result, adjustments were made to stabilize the game and increase the sexuality of the costumes.
Integrated survival system FROSTFALL, as well as to simplify your stay in the harsh climate of Skyrim - CAMPFIRE.
Buy mega warm underpants and heated skyrim, to conquer glaciers .... although ..... does not help
From innovations:
Skin Textures: Demoniac 1.12
Armor Restorer: 7Base Bombshell Sexy Armor
Added a lot of additional armor for the body 7 Base Bombshell
Integrated patch USLEEP
Updated and added quests:
AngrimApprentice_v2_11 - Do not be offended by a perverted sorcerer
SexLab Solutions 5.0.5
Slaverun Reloaded (10.Sep 2016) 1.02
Devious Devices Assets is adapted to play with the body 7 Base
Prison Overhaul V033_fix
Are you tired of starting a "zek" going to the block? Does it bore you? Then this mod is for you
Alternate Start - Live Another Life-9557-3-1-5a -Start another life! All the roads and doors are open for you!
Do not you have one dragon? Few 2 dragons? Are they weak and easy to die? Then this mod is for you !!
For fans to help more dragons: Dragon Combat Overhaul - mod translated, configured in the Mods Settings menu is already in the game! Set up the complexity and the number of dragons, wet them to the right and left. In general, enjoy Dovakiny!
Are you bored in the Dwemer ruins? Are you a pro? Know the assembly of the Estrus + Estrus Chaurus mod. Now no one envies you if you go to the Dwemer ruins and meet the corus, your character will experience all the humiliation that the ancient ancestors of the Falmer have experienced! You will find out why they hated the Dwemer.
Rumors of succubus appeared in Skyrim and are not groundless! Confirm it by installing Mod-pack PSQ- and play for a real sexy succubus! Everything is set up from the effects to the body (the idiot's dream is realized-the transgender succubus- "Oh, she has Chchchenlen ... Yes, what kind of member !? The horse phalos !!!"
PSQ PlayerSuccubusQuest 2.17 rus + finished succubus textures
Demonica 2.1.1 modpack
SFLPregnancy 2.0.6 - pregnancy, childbirth - supports up to 2 children (only if the character is married or married)
Optional quests should be placed at your own risk. reduce the stability of the game!
Demonics removed from the basic composition of the assembly, so proposed by users who participated in the development, by a majority of votes.
Assembly changed the external appearance cardinally.
And yes I nakosyachil with dates
Extras. Information: The required version of the game Skyrim for the collection - Skyrim Legendary Edition v Repack by Fenixx + 3 DLC, the compilation was compiled on this version of the game, so if you do not want problems, put only on it.
Before installing the assembly you need to download and install the game Skyrim The Elder Scrolls 5.Skyrim.Legendary Edition.v + 3 DLC. (1C-SoftKlab.) (2013) .Repack or Fenix
Do not take it lightly! The version should only be specified, otherwise the assembly will not work!
After installing the game, launch the Skyrim game Launcher from the desktop, go to the settings menu and give the launcher the opportunity to determine the capabilities of your computer automatically. Then if you are not sure about the capabilities of your computer, I want to offer you such settings:
The quality of the graphics is set to High
Smoothing on 2x
Anisotropic filtering on 4x
In the Advanced settings, leave the Water -Reflect Land off the rest.
Start the game and check whether all the functions of the game menu work.
From now on, you can make a backup of the Data folder so that if you make a mistake, do not reinstall the game.
1 Download the archive with the assembly (I decided to check the working capacity of the archive)
2 Unpack the archive using 7zipa in a folder (separate not with the game)
3 Download Skyrim in the repack from Phoenix with 3 DLS, installed and launched the game launcher (otherwise there will be an error and the game will not start until the computer is restarted)
4 Download Nexus Mod Manager (in the future I will use NMM, for the sake of brevity writing), install (not separately in the game folder, the most important is that there is a new version)
5 Copy the contents of the assembly to the folder with the game (with the replacement of files)
6 Start the NMM, wait for the manager to find the game I need, tick off it and stop the search for games, and then agree to start the manager
7 In the NMM window, check "all!" fashion, then in the tools (they are the same TOOLs, there is still a tool icon) NMM dig and find the option - Automatic Plugin Sorting (it is the same automatic sorting of mods) run ----- voila fashion sorted
Sorting mods should be performed using LOOT (preferably) or NMM
Re-check whether all the modes are connected (NMM has the ability to disable the non-favors it's mods)
9 Started the BodySlider - I have it here: E: \ games \ The Elder Scrolls 5.Skyrim.Legendary Edition.v + 3 DLC \ Data \ CalienteTools \ BodySlide
created the body CBBE (the general body format of the ZHG in Skyrim) TBBP (this extension indicates that the body is with a sisko-, zhopo-, belly-shaking) and adjusted it to itself (I like tits of the 4th size and girls with hips, but not droish) clicked on the "Build" button - the body for the ZHGG created
The 9th item can be skipped, or reused if you do not like the body of the LHS. But after its implementation, ALWAYS update the FNIS
10 Connect the animation:
Run FNIS (located here: E: \ games \ The Elder Scrolls 5.Skyrim.Legendary Edition.v + 3 DLC \ Data \ tools \ GenerateFNIS_for_Users)
mark a tick on the "fix hand" and nothing more! agree - wait for completion - at the end of the program will give more than 2300 animations from different mods and 1-oh mistake (do not worry this is the norm)
11 Start the game
12 Running the game through the skse_loader startup file, it can be run from the Nexus Mod Maneger or WryBash or BOSS.
13 start a new game
- watch the movie: "cool eat boys ... ETTYN WHERE the dragon? ... Who brought this nonsense to us?"
- create a character (preferably a female GG pile of mods only for the ZHG, but you can also play for men: for example, in the game there is a mod Paradise Valley where there is a small haremchik + Quest for the corruption of the beautiful Lydia)
There may be a bug with the loss of control over the player, do not despair and do not freak out, but open Rutraker and read:
We press "~" - it's the console and we write: "epc" - it's "eneble player control", and we go to the goal if the problem repeats, we type the command in the console again
- we rescue or Ralofa or imperial (I for Nords)
- go to Riverwood, get the quest "WTF where did the fuck dragon" then when the dialogs are over and the world of Skyrim at your feet - the second part of our farce begins, we set up the fashion in the Mod menu game and look at how
- tuning mods in the game:
The first thing to do is find the SexLab menu in the Mod and press the "Set" button in it, then exit the menu and stay in the game for 50 to 15 seconds to wait for the activation of the mod (there are a lot of scripts too, so the more you wait the better they will work)
2-nd: we customize SexLab to taste, but neatly (for me for example, the only thing that changed it: the growth of actors and connected animal animations left the menu waited for the activation of "animals" came in and connected them to the combination on the floor (when activating animals get out of the menu mandatory, because the menu mode will not be available for a while)
3rd: Connect the animation directly to the game:
Working with ZazAnimation Pack - we find in the game in the fashion menu Zaz animation and click on the registration of animations (in this option there is a list of connected animations see that opposite all stood yes, if you do not need to press the registration again) also exit the fashion menu in the game and wait ;
Working with Non-SexLab Animation Pack - we find in the game in the mod menu this section and press the registration, we wait without leaving and
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