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Category: Porn Games
1 143
Production year: 2020
Last modification: 2020/09/23
Language of the game: English
Version: Release 4
System requirements: Windows 10; HDD 3Gb
Aviable to
In this game you play as Guukruux, an octopus like alien creature that relies on females of other species to reproduce and pleasure himself. One day while traveling through space to find new mates, your spacecraft malfunctions and you are luckily saved by Rebecca, a genetically altered perfect human woman and only human crew-member of the Utopia. You spend your time attempting to get as far with Rebecca as you can, manipulating creatures and beings on the ship to assault her, and impregnate her before the ship completes it's charter to earth. Have fun!

WARNING!!!! Before downloading it is necessary to switch off antivirus, because it swears on file Tentacular.exe.
For normal game it is necessary to make a folder with game in exceptions in an antivirus.

