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Category: Porn Games
Production year: 2018
Last modification: 2018/02/02
Language of the game: English / Russian
System requirements: CPU: 2.0 GHz; RAM: 2 GB; HDD: 672 MB
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When you long for adventure but live in a post-apocalyptic wasteland... When you dream of love, but only talk to your dumb sister... When you dream of being a hero, but everyone thinks you're infantile and fragile... Then a sense of humor and belief in yourself will help you survive. Help the main character become a man in every sense. Prove that he can save lives and change destinies. That he can melt any, even the most icy heart. That he can survive the flames of war and the whirlpool of adventure. That he knows how to make the right decision at the right time and save those in need. Let him go and show the dying world that he is no longer a boy, but a man... Small, frail, but very proud and determined! If his enemies don't die of fright, at least they will die of laughter. Who knows, maybe he will have the last laugh.