Secretary is an erotic adventure/life simulator, with an adult character, an almost 30-year-old white-collar guy in a well-paid IT office. But after a few bad decisions lead to his life falling apart. Fate gives him a second chance by taking a job as a secretary to a very strange boss whose personal opinion on how to motivate subordinates may differ from your typical working relationship.
Planned Fetishes:Depravity
Strong emphasis on BDSM
Physical Transformation
Perfection of the Digital:
Go on two additional missions for AIKO.
Learn about her original creation.
Go on a "date" to Sün Dungeon under AIKO's supervision.
Help her "learn" through various VR interactions.
Introduce AIKO to Alex and Dr. Trapper.
Over 30k words and 135 new passages
Working Out Your Body:
Additional gym training options to unlock 19 in Dexterity, Strength, Stamina and Martial Arts.
Compete for the title of "Miss Hard Pump" and unlock the capstone of 20 in Dexterity, Strength and Stamina.
Join Bob in a couples tournament to reach the pinnacle of 20 in Martial Arts.
Over 24k words and 100 new passages
A Swole Old Friend:
Progress your relationship with Bob.
Three new date events, including a night at Sün Dungeon.
Threesome events with Alex, Kurt, Daphne, and Mistress Antlers.
Couples counseling with Dr. Trapper.
Earn his collar, and him as your keyholder.
Over 35k words and 147 new passages
Chaste No More:
Additional feminization style alternative to chastity (full 6 options).
Can disable "penis chastity" fetish for a no-chastity play through.
The Cost of Content:
New Dr. Twig nurse scene involving a familiar person.
Over 3k words and 8 new passages.
Progression Smoothing:
Events that are required for progression are now tracked w/dependencies to prevent being stuck due to RNG.
Can tweak rate of "progression" events in options menu.
Definitely not a secret cow level.
New scene with Alex after you are both in 9001-type chastity devices.
Streamlined sleep for less clicking.