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Weekend Lollygagging

Category: Porn Games
1 784
Production year: 2021
Last modification: 2022-08-23
Language of the game: English / Russian
Version: 0.9.5 Fixed
System requirements: OS: Windows, Android; CPU: i5; RAM: 8GB; VRAM: 2GB
Aviable to
Hello, my friend! How are you? I hope you're doing well! So, this is the side story of Anita's Discoveries. You play as Tom, who has come to his classmate Melory's house to do his homework. In this story you have choices that can lead to different consequences, so you have to choose wisely :)
There are 6 pronounced endings for this chapter, but there are many ways to achieve them. I hope this game fulfills your fetishistic desires! Have a good day/evening/night, my friend!

