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Category: Porn Games
1 695
Production year: 2021
Language of the game: English
System requirements: OS: Windows 10; CPU: Intel i5; RAM: 16GB; GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060; VRAM: 6GB; HDD: ~10 GB DirectX Version 11 Steam VR compatible helmet + controllers
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VR HOT is a virtual reality experience for adults to create and interact with dream partners. VR HOT offers a virtual environment and constructor for dream partners and interaction with them.

You can play different levels of nudity, from fully clothed to fully nude, including realistic depictions of male and female genitalia. You can reenact interactions (so far) between the male player and the female character, from touching and stroking to full penetration, oral and vaginal. You can spank her ass, but there is only consensual sex.

Installation procedure: