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Tear and the Library of Labyrinths

Category: Hentai Games
1 137
Production year: 2020
Last modification: 2020/11/07
Language of the game: English
Version: 1.00
System requirements: OS: Windows 7; CPU: Intel Celeron / PentiumIII 2GHz+; Memory: 2GB+; HDD: 4Gb; Video: 1024x768 full color
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In a world where magic is as common as the air we breathe, twin sisters Tear and Lumiere run a clinic in the remote village of Armeria. There they use their magic to heal the sick and injured.
One day, while the sisters are enjoying a meal, they are interrupted by a strange noise coming from their basement. However, it is no ordinary basement, but a library full of magical books passed down through their family for generations.
Fearing that it may be a ghost, they cautiously go to investigate and find a book engulfed in a glowing light. Instinctively, Tear reached out toward the glowing tome and as she did, it flipped open!
Before either of the sisters could blink, out leaped a terrifying demon who grabbed Lumiere and pulled her into the tome.
"If you want to see your sister alive again, then you'll have to come get her! Hahaha!"
Knowing that it may be a trap, Tear gathered her courage to follow them and bring her sister home safe and sound.