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Category: Hentai Games
2 065
Production year: 2016
Last modification: 2018/03/09
Language of the game: Japanese / English
Version: 1.071
System requirements: CPU 2.0GHz; RAM 4GB; HDD 2.4GB
Aviable to
Sakura lost both parents in an accident. However, she learned there's more to their death than meets the eye. As she investigates, many abrupt changes and encounters occur...
* FGS-R is a 2D scrolling action game with H-anime when the character is down. Game over animations are matched to the stages. Controls: D for Menu, A for HP Potion, S for MP Potion. You can purchase skills in the shop.
* Created with Gamemaker 8.0 and Unity 4.5. Please play the trial version first. Bug patches and updates may be coming. Best purchased with a registered account.


For those who want to pass on their own, enclosed a folder save0.
Copy the data in this folder and simply replace them with the folder save and savegame01 file