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Minami Natsuzawa: Rise of the Ogre Killer

Category: Hentai Games
1 214
Original title: 夏沢南の討鬼伝
Production year: 2016
Last modification: 2016/04/11
Language of the game: Japanese
Version: 2016-04-11
System requirements: HDD: 700MB
Aviable to
Before she saw her first ogre,
Minami was just a girl in the town of Kannagicho.
Seeing the beast terrified her into paralysis
but before the ogre slayed her,
she was saved by her grandmother Rishi.

Rishi collapsed in exhaustion; Minami brought her home.

Thus, Minami learned that
she was descended from sorcerers.
Hearing this she began a journey of the self,
with little more than a wooden sword
and a vague knowledge of her ancestry.
