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Hentai and porn games for download | HentaiHubs.com»Hentai Games»Manējā no sukoabukku ~ Dasa reta sain wa shūdan rinkan ~

Manējā no sukoabukku ~ Dasa reta sain wa shūdan rinkan ~

Category: Hentai Games
1 514
Original title: マネージャーのスコアブック ~出されたサインは集団輪姦~
Production year: 2020
Last modification: 2020/02/14
Language of the game: Japanese
System requirements: HDD 1GB
Aviable to
On the night of the day when the summer training camp started, the manager Natsuki Shimizu gets involved in a bizarre incident.
She avoids the attacks of crazy baseball team members
Natsuki started exploring her school to uncover the whole picture of her case ...

■ Keyboard operation:
Arrow key - Move menus and characters
Z key - Determine, investigate, talk, attack
X key - Cancellation / cancellation / special action
SHIFT key - Hide in cardboard
CTRL key - Skip message