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The Wreck of the Spaceship Todoroki

Category: Hentai Games
2 016
Original title: 難破宇宙船トドロキ号
Production year: 2021
Last modification: 18.04.2022
Language of the game: English
Version: 1.03 (1080p CG patch)
System requirements: OS: Windows XP | CPU: Intel Celeron / PentiumIII 2GHz+ | Memory: 512MB+ | HDD: 2 Gb| Video: 1024x768 full color
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It was their final test before employment at a certain space development company...
Izumi and John experience some trouble with their small spacecraft, and it collides with a rather large vessel. In order to free their own ship, the pair has to board the larger one... which turns out to be the Todoroki, a craft used for secret experiments.

Anyone who comes into contact with "Mysterious Being X" will require 3 injections to ward off its influence. Luckily Izumi has one, but to find the other two, the pair will need to explore the Todoroki thoroughly. But a side effect of the injections is that Izumi starts to get hornier...
