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Artificial Academy

Category: Hentai Games
1 479
Original title: ジンコウガクエン
Production year: 2011
Language of the game: Russian
Version: 4.0
System requirements: OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 (x86) CPU: Pentium IV 2.4 GHz RAM: 1 GB Disk Space: 8 GB GPU: 128 MB, Pixel Shader 2.0
Aviable to
Another creation of the studio illusion.
It was this game that won the vote that illusion held earlier, inviting the users themselves to decide what they will play next time. Although the graphics engine has not undergone any changes, but the physical has been completely replaced by "НBullet" one of the popular engines for modern games.

Game Installation:
[spoiler]1. Mount the image
2. Install the game itself (on startup.exe)
3. Install the Editor (on the disk the folder Edit / setup.exe)
4. Install Artificial Academy HF Patch
5. If desired, install the mods, when installing several mods in a row, the stability of the game is not guaranteed.

Installation of mods:
[spoiler]With a wizard, fashion does not work stably. Use AAMake2Decrypt.
All the files we work with are located in the folder with the DATA game, we take from the DATA folder a file with the file name of the same name in the archive (the folder Mods in distribution). Using AAMake2Decrypt, unpack it, add files from the archive (replace if necessary, then use AAMake2Decrypt to pack it back and transfer it to the game folder. Do not forget to make backup copies during these manipulations. If the experiment fails, the game may not start, experiment with health) ) [spoiler =] Here are the screenshots for unpacking and packing game archives.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]1. The image of the game

2. Patch Artificial Academy HF Patch version 0.9 includes
Artificial Academy HF Patch version 0.9 includes
Official: Artificial Academy Adjustment Patch by Illusion
Official: Artificial Academy AAXPlay 1.1 20110701 by Illusion Updated!
Official: Artificial Academy Privilege Disk (Cold personality) by Illusion New!
English UI Translation v1.27 by Raiko & Sogekihei New!
AAPlay English Launcher 0701 by Arcnx Updated!
AAXPlay 1.1 0701 English Launcher by Arcnx Updated!
Story Translation (Google mostly) 20110705 by Geshtar, DesmondHume, Milfeulle, Rikto, vidocq, A to da G Updated!
Romanized Japanese Names by unmei220 New!
Girl 3D Uncensored Vagina by FutaBoy (Nubby or Fleshy double dildo)
Uncensored Penis by FutaBoy (3D or 2D pubic hair)
Maker: AA_Make English Launcher 1.00A by TheShadow
Illusion Wizzard by darkhound New!

3. Launchers (English for the game and the constructor, also Russian launchers)

4. Ready-made character models

5. Supporting programs (Illusion Wizzard already tied to the game, AAMake2Decrypt)

6. Fashion
Mods folder contents
We install the mods at our own risk, the installation description in the attachment, install through AAMake2Decrypt) You can also work with Illusion Wizzard.[/spoiler]